How Individual Coaching from Consulting Firms Can Help You Shape Your Career

July 16, 2015 3:04 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Whether you’re still at the bottom rung of the workforce, trying to break a new glass ceiling or looking to try an entirely new career path, navigating through the uncertain waters of your career can be a challenge, to say the least. Fortunately, you don’t have to figure it all out on your own. Many consulting firms are now offering individual career coaching, giving each of their clients guidance, information and advice that is tailored to their specific situation.

As one of the many consulting firms that offers individual career coaching, we’ve seen firsthand the way it can transform a person’s work situation, and by extension, every aspect of his or her life. Here’s a look at some of the main qualities and advancements you can stand to gain by hiring an individual career coach to help map out the rest of your career.

  • Set goals: Most people have some idea of what their ultimate career goals are, but they aren’t sure exactly how to get from point A to point B. Beyond just focusing on the end point, a career coach will help you set several different smaller goals to achieve along the way to making your dreams come true. Having a set plan will help you to stay the course, not lose hope, and be aware of your progress.
  • Plan for obstacles: We can’t control every career setback or conflict that comes our way, but we can always control how we deal with them. A large factor in handling obstacles smoothly is being prepared for them. A good career coach will help you to identify and foresee common career obstacles before they even arise, so you’ll already know what to do once they occur.
  • Make smart decisions: Before you get to make big decisions, like which company you should take a promotion with, you get to make a lot of important smaller decisions, like how to delegate an important project. Each small decision plays a role in shaping your career, and your career coach will help you develop the tools to properly assess every decision that comes your way.
  • Change your path: Even if you’re unhappy with your job or career choice in general, actually breaking out of it and diving into an unfamiliar field can be greatly intimidating and uncertain. A career coach is often necessary to ensuring a smooth and fruitful career transition. Your coach can even give you the assessment tools to figure out which career path is best for you.
  • Learn how to manage: A big part of advancing in your career is proving that you can be an effective leader. If you’re suddenly thrown into a management role and realize you’re in over your head, a career coach can give you the leadership training you need to prove yourself.
  • Gain confidence: When you know how to set goals, overcome obstacles and work effectively, a natural swell of self-confidence will likely present itself. Now it’s up to you to take advantage of this confidence and advance your career even more than you once thought possible. Call Schoonover Associates to learn more about the individual coaching opportunities you might be able to enjoy.



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This post was written by Dr. Stephen C. Schoonover